Application Platform for Scholarship Programs Supported by French Embassy in Thailand
The call for applicants of Franco-Thai Young Talent Research Fellowship Program is open from 14 August to 31 October 2024.
Don't miss this opportunity!
Franco-Thai Young Talent Research Fellowship Program
Franco-Thai Young Talent Research Fellowship Program supports Thai and French post doctorates, who are lecturers or researchers in public or private institutions intending to conduct a research project of two to six months in a French or Thai laboratory.
The Franco–Thai Scholarship Program aims to support Thai students under the age of 35 who intend to study in French universities or Higher Education Institutions, at Master's degree or PhD level.This call for applications is open to all fields of studies.
To encourage connectivity and sustainable research cooperation between France and Thailand, the Joint Franco-Thai Committee would like to invite French and Thai higher education institutions and research agencies to submit a project proposal.